
Quiz Terms & Conditions

A Bit of Small Print

  1. The quiz is open
  2. It's open to anyone, alone or with other members of your household
  3. You'll need to walk to find some of the answers; please remember the social distancing rules
  4. If you're under 16 years of age, you should ask an adult to submit the entry on your behalf
  5. You can only enter once, so please collect all your answers before sitting down to submit your entry;
    Sorry, but the web site won't remember part-finished entries - maybe next time
  6. We will check every entry and as we'll send you a link to the answers on receipt of your entry (except entries that fail on point 7: keep it clean)
  7. Scoring: the original quiz had a scoring system and bonus points for answers with extra information or humour;
    no scoring this time, but we'll publish particularly informative or funny answers on our Facebook page
  8. Please keep it cleanno rude, discriminatory, illegal or offensive remarks
  9. GDPR: We collect names and email addresses; we'll use them only for this quiz and we promise not to share them with anyone else; and, unless you sign up for our news, we'll delete them this this is all over
  10. Disclaimer: we intend this quiz to be fun, and to add to people's knowledge of Portishead. We don't intend any person or property to be damaged, so please be careful as you search for the answers, and note that the Visit Portishead Team accepts no responsibility for any damage done by any quiz-related activity to persons, places, or things

Please respect your social distancing rules, and don't stray too far from home.

Now back to the quiz!

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