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Lock-Down Fun with Words

view of the estuary mud near what3words corkscrew, belly, dugout in PortisheadHere’s a fun word game to while away some time when you're locked down or when it's pouring with rain and you don't fancy going out.

It's educational and it could save your life one day!

How to play

  1. open what3words website (in a new tab)
  2. if you can't see the cookie warning, skip to step 4
  3. if you can, accept it and nip through the short explainer cartoon
  4. click the search box, top left, and type your postcode or address, or that of someone else - someone you know or love maybe
  5. now go bottom right, switch to satellite view, and zoom in until you can see the grid on top of your house and garden
  6. you’ll see it occupies several squares
  7. click around the squares and read their names in the search box
  8. find the most suitable 3-word combo for you or your friend

One of our volunteers found this one on his drive, ///waistcoat.limped.removable. “It suits me very well,” he said. “You’ll often see me wearing a waistcoat; I limp a bit; and being retired, I’m easily removable!”

Here's another one, ///corkscrew.belly.dugouts. Where's this place in Portishead? Corkscrews abound, bellies get bigger - and it's even dug out of the hill! NB: no link, so you have to go search for it on what3words. Enjoy! 

You can see this page's picture from this nearby what3words location. Don't laugh, you might need it after ///corkscrew.belly.dugouts.


Well, they had to create unique 3-word combinations for every 3-metre square on the surface of the planet, so some of the words are a bit obscure. It can be fun to Google words we don't know and see what comes up. Not only do you learn a new word, but scanning the search results can introduce all kinds of new ideas to broaden your knowledge.

Far more educational than social media, which narrows your interests by showing you more of the stuff you look at already!

Save My Life?

Emergency services across the UK, in Avon & Somerset too, now use what3words to find and attend incidents in the middle of nowhere.

Or has your life been ruined because your birthday present didn’t turn up? DPD and Hermes now deliver to accurate w3w addresses. Read more about what3words, here on the NFU website - yes, NFU, National Farmers' Union, farmers like this, obviously. 

Send Us Some Good Ones!

We'll publish all good the ones. Please use the form below, or post on our Facebook page (opens a new tab)!  

We promise neither to share your details with anyone else, nor use them for anything else.

